Monday, April 23, 2012

This Year

I haven’t written anything this month, which is a stark contrast to last April when I had half a dozen posts.  There are reasons for that, one of them being that April is Autism Awareness Month.  Last year, I was just beginning to deal with TL’s newly diagnosed autism.  I seemed to saturate myself in all the autism-related articles that pop up in April.  This year was different.

This year I am focusing more on what I can do to help my boys. 

This year I am ignoring the propagandist articles about “causes” or “cures.” 

This year I am pretending that Jennie McCarthy and her Generation Rescue movement do not exist. 

This year I am refusing to question God about Autism.

This year I am concentrating on loving and supporting my family.

This year I am only thinking about educating those that want to be educated.

This year I am not so filled with anger at the parents who do GFCF or other wacky diets.

This year I am having more grace for ALL the parents struggling to cope with autistic children.

This year…I almost forgot it was Autism Awareness Month (I thought it was a little weird how there were SO many stories about Autism popping up!)

This year is about the gift God gave me in my boys.  It is an awesome gift that I cherish more and more every day.