Monday, April 23, 2012

This Year

I haven’t written anything this month, which is a stark contrast to last April when I had half a dozen posts.  There are reasons for that, one of them being that April is Autism Awareness Month.  Last year, I was just beginning to deal with TL’s newly diagnosed autism.  I seemed to saturate myself in all the autism-related articles that pop up in April.  This year was different.

This year I am focusing more on what I can do to help my boys. 

This year I am ignoring the propagandist articles about “causes” or “cures.” 

This year I am pretending that Jennie McCarthy and her Generation Rescue movement do not exist. 

This year I am refusing to question God about Autism.

This year I am concentrating on loving and supporting my family.

This year I am only thinking about educating those that want to be educated.

This year I am not so filled with anger at the parents who do GFCF or other wacky diets.

This year I am having more grace for ALL the parents struggling to cope with autistic children.

This year…I almost forgot it was Autism Awareness Month (I thought it was a little weird how there were SO many stories about Autism popping up!)

This year is about the gift God gave me in my boys.  It is an awesome gift that I cherish more and more every day.


  1. Great attitude, Amanda, that will serve you, your family and your community well.

  2. You do have great boys! We re so glad that you're part of our church family and we can't wait to see God use those boys for his glory as they grow!

  3. It's been such a privilege to get to know you the past year and learn more TRUTH about autism thru you. I love you and your little family! Deb
