I really do try to be understanding to my boys. I try to be understanding about autism. I try to be understanding about their behaviors. I do try. But there are some things that just throw me. They seem small at first, but when they sink in they rock me to the core. Like today.
My youngest, TL broke his sandals tonight, so we needed to go out and buy him new ones. It had to be tonight because he has therapy tomorrow and then goes to school. We decided to walk as a family to a shoe store about a ½ mile away. We put TL in his stroller and went on our way.
After going through millions of pairs, we found the one for him. We paid for them, put the box under the stroller, and started home. About halfway home, my husband realized that TL had been dragging his foot on the street and sidewalk. He had worn a hold in his sock and cut open his big toe.
Why did this throw me? I mean he just dragged his foot. No big deal, right? The big deal was that he didn’t feel it happening. Something that would make you and I limp home was nothing to him. How far would he have gone like that? How big of scar?
He probably didn’t notice because he always toe walks. This wears down his toenails and toughens the skin on the tips of his toes.
I started crying on the way home. I don’t even know why. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t realize he hurt himself. Maybe it was the fact that he needed that “sensory input.” Maybe I was just mad…mad at autism.
Gosh, how many years have I seen these things that autism does? How many years of therapies, IEPs, books, articles, assessments, and explanations? And still, I am mad at autism.
I know I will feel better later. I will try to look at the blessings my boys are. But, darn it, right now I am so mad at autism
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